WHAT IS Forever Bare BBL?
Any area can be treated – Face, legs, arms, under arms, bikini area, chest, shoulders and back. Since not all hairs grow at the same time, multiple treatments are recommended in order to treat all three stages of growth: Anagen, catagen, and telogen. Typically we recommend 5 treatments to receive a 50% to 90% reduction. These treatments are suggested to be 6 wks apart.
How Does It Feel?
During the treatment a clear gel is applied to the skin. The energy is delivered through a cool applicator so there is minimal discomfort. During the treatment you may experience a warm sensation in the treatment area. Mild redness may appear in the treated area but should dissipate shortly after treatment or by end of day, depending on your sensitivity.
More Information:
Treat time varies depending on the size of the area being treated but generally it takes less than 20 minutes. Numbing the treated area is usually not necessary as the BBL technology is very tolerable.
All waxing, tweezing and/or threading has to stop during the course for the laser hair treatments. Shaving, however, is allowed as it will not thicken the area.
Self tanners should also not be used during the course of treatments. BBL can detect melanin in the skin so you want to be at your fairest skin tone when you have treatment. (For dark skin tones we recommend a YAG laser) The best time to have Laser Hair Reduction treatments is over fall and winter, when any summer tan has faded. You’ll be bikini ready by spring!
schedule a complimentary consult at Renova Aesthetics today to learn more about the procedure and details!